Up to 2 heat 1 cool heat pump/Up to 1 heat 1 cool conventional
7-day, 5-2, 5-1-1 or non-programmable
Uses the UWP mounting system that's standard across all T series thermostats
Easy upsell to a connected Lyric T6 Pro Wi-Fi when your customer is ready for Wi-Fi (C-wire required)
Simple push-button functionality
Filter change reminder
2 heat/1 cool heat pump and 1 heat/1 cool conventional
4-1/16 in L x 4-1/16 in W x 1-3/32 in D thermostat
Application: Standard Efficient Gas Forced Air, High Efficacy Gas Forced Air, Oil Forced Air, Electric Forced Air, Hot water Fan Coil, Geothermal Heat Pump, Air to Air Heat
Includes: UWP Mounting System and Installation (J-Box) Adapter