For copper tube size (CTS) CPVC hot and cold potable water pipe and fittings up to 2 in diameter interference fit
Lo-VOC solvent cement meets California South Coast air quality Management District (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD method 40 and various environmental requirements
May be used with out primer where local coders permit
FlowGuard gold is a registered trademark of the Lubrizol Corporation
Min 400 psi (2 hr at 73 deg F) hydrostatic burst strength
Minimum 500 cps at 73 deg F /- 2 deg F viscosity
7.98 /- 0.2 lbs/gallon density
1 hr Cold/6 hr hot water above 60 deg F curing
4 to 5 min (30 to 50 deg F)/2 to 3 min (50 to 70 deg F)/1 to 2 min (70 to 90 deg F) setting